Meatball cysts, medically known as epidermoid cysts, are small, round lumps that form beneath the skin. They develop when skin cells, instead of shedding, multiply and create a sac filled with keratin, a protein naturally found in the skin. These cysts can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on the face, neck, and trunk.

Typically, meatball cysts are painless, slow-growing, and harmless. However, they may become inflamed or infected, leading to redness, swelling, and discomfort. Infected cysts can cause pain and may discharge a foul-smelling substance.

Diagnosis is generally straightforward, based on appearance and location. Treatment isn’t always necessary unless the cyst causes discomfort or becomes infected. In such cases, a healthcare provider might drain the cyst or surgically remove it to prevent recurrence. Maintaining good hygiene and avoiding squeezing the cyst can reduce the risk of infection and complications.

By Star

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