Only 2% can find the lost pipe! You try now!

Find the Hidden Pipe: A Visual Challenge

Are you up for a challenge? An elderly gentleman needs your help finding his lost pipe. In the image below, you’ll see him seated on a bench outside his home. Somewhere in this picture is his cherished pipe. Can you locate it within a minute?

The man is dressed in a red top and striped brown pants, reading a newspaper. Beside him is a walking cane, and vines are entwined around the bench. Look carefully: is the pipe hidden within the building behind him, or among the surrounding plants?

Here’s a valuable hint: “the pipe is actually part of another object that belongs to the elderly gentleman!”

Take another close look at his belongings. If you still can’t find it, here’s the solution: “what initially appears to be the top of the man’s walking cane is, in fact, his smoking pipe cleverly disguised within the cane’s design.”

Have you managed to spot the elusive pipe?


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