There is probably no such person who is at least a little bit afraid of insects, especially bees.
These smart and useful insects inspire fear in many people. Even one bee can sting painfully not to mention the whole swarm.
One man parked outside the store, accidentally forgot to close the window, and when he returned, he found about 15,000 bees in his car.
What was his horror at that moment. He could not understand where so much bees in the parking could come from.
The man was afraid to approach the car because angry bees constantly flew out and flew back.
He immediately called emergency services and firefighters,
but they did not know how to lure the bees out of the car and what to do with them, catch or destroy.
Only beekeepers know all the tricks and know how to handle bees.
Here it is necessary to follow all the safety rules and at least a little to be familiar with the habits of these insects.
One of the firefighters remembered that his colleague was a beekeeper, breeds and loves bees.
But unfortunately he was on vacation.